您目前瀏覽作者為 Xianhuan Chen, Meihua Shen, Yuguang Xie, Rui Zhang 的商品

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JX Group: Private Eldercare Expansion in China
作者姓名:Xianhuan Chen, Meihua Shen, Yuguang Xie, Rui Zhang
商品類型:Case (Field)商品編號:W26003
出版日期:2022/08/07內容長度:10 頁

When it was founded in Hefei, China, in 2001, Jiujiu Xiyanghong Group (JX) started as a single private nursing home with fifty beds. Over its eighteen-year history, JX had maintained rapid growth; as of 2019 the company had 1,531 elderly people living in its facilities, and Xie Qiong estimated that elders residing at JX represented 36 per cent of all 4,205 people living in Hefei eldercare institutions. However, the Hefei eldercare market was witnessing .....more